Set sail on an extraordinary weekend getaway aboard Captiva, a 45-foot Classic Chesapeake Skipjack Yacht, and dive into the allure of Boston Harbor. Glide past iconic landmarks, accompanied by Captain David Puett's fascinating tales, creating the perfect blend of relaxation and discovery on this captivating weekend sailing escapade!
🌟 Set sail for an extraordinary weekend getaway aboard Captiva, a 45-foot Classic Chesapeake Skipjack Yacht
🚢 Tailor your weekend escape with flexible options: a leisurely 2-hour cruise, an extended 4-hour exploration of the Boston Harbor Islands, or a full-day 6-hour maritime adventure
🎉 Delight in captivating tales from Captain David Puett, a seasoned United States Coast Guard licensed Master
🥂 Indulge in the perfect blend of relaxation and discovery, creating unforgettable memories